Sunday 31 May 2015

Song for Sunday - 31 May - Nothing But The Waves

This is almost the perfect Song for Sunday - a gentle, blues infused song about the love between two men. It's been on my favourites list for a few months now and is likely to stay there a while.

This is the type of song where you crank up the volume to just the perfect level, tilt your head back and close your eyes, then just let it wash into you, seep into your bones with what it is - a thing of beauty.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Bonus Song - Cave Song

This is so not a Song for Sunday, but so much a Song for Saturday night.
Baathhaus are a queer-electro group that have put out a few singles and this one is a great slice of Saturday night beats, filthy lyrics and gorgeous visuals - seriously, the colours here are stunning.

Just the way to spend the evening.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Song for Sunday - 24th May - Take Me To Church

With the people of Ireland voting for equal marriage, and that little campfest that is the Eurovision Song Contest, I may be on a little bit of a queer high this weekend. So it's only right that I include a song with some kind of reference to marriage, and even better if its by an Irish artist.

So here it is. Sinead O'Connor, who describes herself as three-quarters straight and one-quarter gay (it'd save us all a little bit of typing if people just used the word bisexual) with a recent song Take Me To Church. While the title may reference weddings I'm not sure the content of the song is really that fitting as a wedding song - but hey, you have whatever song you like as your wedding song.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Song for Sunday - 17th May - Riverbed

Something with a more Indie and Orchestral edge this time from Owen Pallett. Owen's worked with the likes of Arctic Monkey's, Arcade Fire, Grizzly Bear and others on the orchestration and arrangements of their work and has worked on film scores. But here is something from one of his own albums. The Riverbed is a Song for Sunday because its quality stuff.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Song for Sunday - 10th May - Flying China

Eric Himan is one of the first gay musicians that I was hooked by. That was a few years ago now and I've been keeping up with his recordings since. He has a new EP out - Playing Cards, available from iTunes and all the other places - which is quite lovely.
This track Flying China is an absolute Song for Sunday and the video below is the acoustic version. Go check out his other videos on YouTube while you're at it.

Monday 4 May 2015

Song for Sunday - 3rd May - All Of It But Me

Okay, I know I'm a day late, but I've been busy. I've been away. I've been in a house where my laptop couldn't connect with the wi-fi (oh the trauma!).

But here it is. This week's Song for Sunday, this time by The Young Professionals. Enjoy

Friday 1 May 2015

Nano Snippet

April was a NaNo month and I managed to do about 30,000 words. This is pretty good for me to do in a month. So to celebrate the end of it all I thought I'd share some of the words that I wrote or edited during April.
So here is a snippet from The Last Snowglobe Repairman:

The door eased open just a crack, Matt peeking out to check who was disturbing him. When he saw it was me he let it swing open.
“I can’t sleep over there.” I said.
“There’s a ghost in my house and I can’t see it.” I looked back across the street “It could be anywhere,” I tried hiding the little shudder that squirmed through me. “It could be doing anything,” I made a Grumpy Cat face, not pleased. “I’m spending’ the night here.”
“Pushy bottom.” Matt smirked, “I like it.” his grin broadened into a full beaming smile, making his eyes twinkle.
“Who said anything about being a bottom?” I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to give him a sharp look of disapproval.
He raised both eyebrows in reply, tilting his chin at me in a skeptical look.
“Fine.” I said, brushing past him to go inside, “but you can’t just go round assuming things like that.”  I dumped my backpack under the hall mirror and gently placed Bessie on the floor. Straightening up I turned to face Matt again. “I might be versatile.”
“I’m hoping so. Eventually.” he bumped the door closed with his butt. “Go through.” he nodded into the house.

I pushed backwards into the couch, closing my eyes and letting out a swift huff of air. Matt watched, maybe hoping I'd relax, or maybe hoping I'd go back home. But then it’s not every day you find out your home is haunted and your neighbor is a Spirit Catcher, so I reckoned he could cut me some slack.